Subnautica Below zero Alien Sanctuary
Subnautica below zero Alien Sanctuary
Sanctuary Zero is an Architect Base that is located in the Twisty Bridges. It serves as a location for the Architects to transfer their consciousness to during an emergency. Al-An is transferred to this facility after Alien Research Site Zero becomes damaged by a meteor shower.
Sanctuary Zero is a location that Robin Goodall will visit while she is stranded in Sector Zero. After receiving an Alien Transmission from the Sanctuary, Robin attempts to locate the facility and discover the source. When Robin enters the facility, she encounters Al-An for a second time. An announcement from the Sanctuary reveals that the facility's power is low, and that Al-An will die if not removed from the Sanctuary. Robin attempts to save Al-An by downloading him onto her PDA, but accidentally downloads him into her brain. The Sanctuary then powers down, and Robin exits with Al-An still in her Brain.
#subnautica #subnauticabelowzero
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